1. e4 (B00: King Pawn Opening)
- A good way to begin playing chess for White is moving Pawn on e2 to e4, because:
- Open way for White Queen and Bishop to move out from Back Rank.
- Put Pawn on the center of board (the center of board is important area, because many battle occur on that area). By putting Pawn on the center of board, therefore the pawn can support battle which occur in that area.
- Guard d5 square (center square) and f5 (flank square).
Black Responses:
- Black know that White move is very good.
- Therefore in order to obtain same advantages, Black literally moving same pawn (pawn in the front of king) on e7 to e5.
- Black trying different approach to fight White by using c pawn instead e pawn.
- With c pawn, Black trying to block advancement of d pawn to the center of board (if White Pawn move to d4, black can capture using 2...cxd4).
- The open file caused by capturing d pawn using 2...cxd4, can be used by Rook or Queen to pressure White on The Queenside.
- Queenside is area on the chess board from a to d file.
1...d5 (B01: Scandinavian Defense)
- Black didn't want White to establish pawn on The Center of Board, so Black immediately attack White Pawn on e4.
- White usually response by playing 2.exd5 (capture Black Pawn).
- After 2.exd5, Black usually response by playing 2...Qxd5 (The drawback of this move is Black Queen come out too early and become object of attack by White) or 2...Nf6 (Scandinavian Defense, Modern Variation) delaying pawn recapture and avoiding losing tempo usually occur if playing 2...Qxd5.
1...e6 (C00: French Defense)
- Black trying different method to fight White, in order to control the center of board.
- Unlike Scandinavian Defense which immediately attack White Pawn on e4 using Black Pawn from d7 to d5.
- In French defense, Black preparing protection for advancement d7 to d5 pawn by moving pawn from e7 to e6 beforehand.
- So, in case White capturing Black Pawn with exd5, then Black can countering by capturing with exd5 too.
- Although in French Defense Black Pawn only move one square, but it also open way for Black Queen and Bishop to move out from back rank.
- The drawback of French defense is Bishop on c8 blocked by Black e Pawn.
- So, Black need to find different way in order to move out this Bishop from back rank.
1...c6 (B10: Caro-Kann Defense)
- Black idea of playing Caro-Kann Defense is similar like French Defense.
- Black preparing protection for advancement d pawn from d7 to d5.
- The difference between Caro-Kann Defense and French Defense is Black using c pawn instead e pawn for protection.
- Using c pawn for protection make Black Bishop on c8 didn't get blocked by Black Pawn (unlike in French Defense).
- In Caro-Kann Defense, pawn movement only open way for Black Queen to move out from back rank (while in French Defense, pawn movement open way for Black Queen and f8 Bishop to move out from back rank).
1...Nf6 (B02: Alekhine Defense)
- Using Alekhine Defense, Black immediately attack White Pawn on e4.
- Beside that, Black idea is lure White to attack Black Knight on f6 by playing 2.e5 (advancing Pawn too far into Black territory without sufficient protection is not recommended, because it will cause overextended).
- Overextended is premature Pawn advance on enemy territory without sufficient protection from other pawn or pieces (Rook, Knight, Bishop or Queen), therefore cause weakness to the pawn that has been advanced.