1...e5 (C20: King Pawn Game)
- Black know that White move (1.e4) is very good.
- Therefore in order to obtain same advantages, Black literally moving same pawn (pawn in the front of king) on e7 to e5.
- The advantages which Black obtain are: open way for Black Queen and Bishop to move out from Back Rank, put pawn on the center of board and guard center area (d4 and f4 square).
White Responses
- There are several responses for White to consider, in order to obtain more advantages than Black on the opening phase of chess.
- White choose to develop g1 knight into f3 square.
- By developing knight into f3 square, White has developed his/her knight into best starting development square.
- Why f3 square considered best starting development square for g1 knight?
- The reason is 2.Nf3 give White better advantage than other moves.
- In starting position, g1 knight only have 3 choice of moves (2.Nf3, 2.Ne2 and 2.Nh3).
- With 2.Nf3, White immediately attacking Black Pawn on e5.
- With. 2.Ne2, White Knight block Queen and Bishop to move out from back rank.
- With. 2. Nh3, White Knight too passive.
- So, 2.Nf3 is better than 2.Ne2 and 2.Nh3.
- By developing knight, White also preparing for castling in the kingside.
2. f4 (C30: King Gambit)
- White make bold attempt to lure Black pawn into leaving center square by offering free pawn to be captured.
- The act of offering free material (pawn or pieces) to be captured, in order to gain position advantage called gambit.
- In gambit, material loss is not recovered immediately.
- If Black accepted the gambit, then black has no pawn on the center of the board.
- If Black accepted gambit, White also can immediately play 3.d4 on next move then Bxf4 in later move (regaining material balance and pawn domination on the center of board).
- Black can also decline gambit (didn't capture Pawn on f4).
2.Bc4 (C23: Bishop Opening)
- White decide to develop Bishop from f1 to c4 square and attacking White Pawn on f7.
- By playing Bc4, White has developed Bishop and still have a chance to play move like King Gambit (f2 to f4).
- Black has several good choices for replying White move.
- Black can play 2...Nf6 (Berlin Defense) or 2...Bc5 (Classical Defense).
2.Qh5 (C20: Patzer Opening)
- This move has several names (Parham Attack, Wayward Queen Attack, Danvers Opening, etc). But, in this article we will call Patzer Opening.
- This is aggressive move, because White Queen going into Black territory early and at the same time attacking Black Pawn on e5.
- It have shock value especially for beginner, because Queen attack look intimidating.
- Also it limit Black move choice of responses, because Black forced to deal with White Queen attack.
- Although this move aggressive, but it have risk making the queen object of attack (because White Queen too early going out into Black territory).
- Black best response to Patzer Opening probably 2...Nc3, defend against the threat and at the same time developing b8 Knight into best starting development square.
2.Bb5 (C20: Portuguese Opening)
- White decide to develop Bishop into b5 square, in order to prevent Black d pawn moving immediately (moving d pawn for Black forbidden, because it will expose King to check).
- But, Black easily counter White threat by playing 2...c6 to make Bishop threat nullified.
- Black should not underestimate this opening and should move carefully to avoid positional disadvantage.
- By playing Bb5, White still have a chance to play move like King Gambit (f2 to f4) with additional Bishop has developed to b5 square.
2. Qf3?! (C20: Napoleon Opening)
- This is dubious move for White.
- Dubious move is move which is questionable. The move has some good point, but bad point greater than good point. So, this move should be avoided.
- White plan for Scholar's Mate (2.Qf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5?? 4.Qxf7#), but that plan easily stopped by Black.
- Black can play 2...Nf6 to stop the Scholar's Mate.
- By playing Napoleon Opening, White Queen Blocked g1 knight to develop into best starting development square (f3) by Nf3.
- By playing Napoleon Opening, White Queen come out too early and become object of attack by Black.
2. Ke2? (C20: Bongcloud Attack or Bongcloud Opening)
- This is mistake move.
- Mistake move is bad move and didn't have any good point. So, this move must not be played.
- This move make White lost right to castling and make king exposed to attack.
- White King blocked White Queen and Bishop to move out from Back Rank.