1...c5 (B20: Sicilian Defense)
- Black trying different approach to fight White by using c pawn instead e pawn.
- With c pawn, Black trying to block advancement of d pawn to the center of board (if White Pawn move to d4, black can capture using 2...cxd4).
- The open file caused by capturing d pawn using 2...cxd4, can be used by Rook or Queen to pressure White on The Queenside.
- Queenside is area on the chess board from a to d file.
- This position can be reached by playing 1.e4 c5.
White Responses
2.Nf3 (B27: Sicilian Defense, 2.Nf3)
- Black last move (1...c5) give White trouble to advance d pawn from d2 to d4 immediately (open the center of board).
- If White advance d pawn immediately to d4, then Black capture d pawn by playing 2...cxd4.
- To restore material balance, then White playing 3.Qxd4 capturing Black Pawn.
- Because White Queen came out too early, then Black take advantage by playing 3...Nc6 to develop Knight into c6 square while at the same time attacking white queen on d4 square.
- Since White Queen under attack, then White forced to move Queen again, in order to put Queen into safety.
- Forcing White to move same piece again, essentially give Black free move.
- So in order to prevent Black get free move, then White playing 2.Nf3 and playing d4 in later move.
- By playing 2.Nf3, White guard d4 square while at the same time developing g1 knight into best starting development position.
- This position can be reached by playing 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3.
2.Nc3 (B23: Sicilian Closed)
- White strengthen grip on d5 square to prevent Black moving pawn into d5 square while at the same time protect White Pawn on e4.
- This is quiet move, so Black have free choices to response White move.
- Quiet move is move which doesn't attack or threaten anything.
- This move called Sicilian Closed because White didn't try or intended to open the center of board by playing d4 sooner.
- This position can be reached by playing 1.e4 c5 2.Nc3.
2. c3 (B22: Sicilian Defense, Alapin Variation)
- White trying different method to support the advancement d pawn.
- Instead using Knight (2.Nf3), White using c pawn.
- So, if Black capture White pawn by playing 2...cxd4 then White capture back by playing 3.cxd4
- The result of 3.cxd4 is good for White, because it semi-open d file and put two pawns on the center.
- This position can be reached by playing 1.e4 c5 2.c3.
2.d4 (Leading to Smith-Morra Gambit)
- This position can be reached by playing 1.e4 c5 2.d4.
- White trying to d file (open the center of board) by advancing pawn from d2 to d4.
- If White plan only to open d file, it would better to play 2.Nf3 or 2.c3 then play 3.d4, because capturing using White Queen will gave Black free move.
- If White plan to play Smith-Morra Gambit, then 2.d4 is necessary because Smith-Morra Gambit reached by playing 1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.c3
- Smith-Morra Gambit is gambit move used by White to gain strong attacking chance by offering free pawns to Black.
- If White play 3.c3 is recommended for Black to decline that free pawn, because it will make White gain strong attacking chance.
2.Bc4?! (B20: Sicilian Defense, Bowdler Attack)
- This move considered inferior, because White Bishop attack on f7 pawn easily blocked by e6, therefore nullified the threat.
- With right timing, Black d pawn advancement into d5 will make White Bishop attacked and need to move again, therefore give Black free move.
- This position can be reached by 1.e4 c5 2.Bc4.