Selasa, 02 November 2021

Table of Contents - Chess Analysis Move by Move

In this article we shall analyze chess move by move, in order to better understand reason to play that moves (For better user experience, we recommended you to use mobile phone for viewing this article).

Last updated: 15-01-2022

How to read chess notation

Chess is a board game which played by two players (player 1 = White and player 2 = Black). This game played on the chess board with 64 squares. The 64 squares is consist of eight columns (called files) and eight rows (called ranks) with each square alternate in color (color which is used is light and dark color). 

Each squares named to distinguish between them. The name of each squares is combination of file (represented by letter from a to h) and rank (represented by number 1 to 8) starting from bottom left.

For example, the name of square in the bottom left is called a1 (because it is combination of 1st file and 1st rank) and the name square in the top right is called h8 (because it is combination of 8th file and 8th rank).

In the chess board, each player (White and Black) have eight pawns, two bishops, two knights, two rooks, one queen and one king.

For the pieces, the notation is King (K), Queen (Q), Rook (R), Bishop (B), Knight (K) and pawn usually didn't gave any special notation (although in the past pawn using letter P). So, we can write Bc5 to tell that Bishop move to c5 square or Qd4 to tell that Queen move to d4 square.

For capture notation, we use letter x. So, we can write Bxc5 to tell that Bishop capture pieces (Pawn, Knight, Bishop, Rook or Queen) on c5 square or Qxd4 to tell that Queen capture pieces on d4 square.

For castling, we use O-O for castling on the kingside (short) and O-O-O for castling on the queenside (long). For check (attack against opponent king) we use + sign. So, we can write Qa4+ to tell that queen giving a check against opponent king.   

Three Phases In Chess

Generally, there are three phases in a chess game: opening, middlegame and endgame.

1. Opening
In the opening, we usually aim to develop pieces as fast as possible into the center of the board (except queen and rook to avoid being targeted and trapped by enemy pieces, if they move too early into the center of the board) and castling early to put King in save position. 
2. Middlegame
In middlegame, we usually aim for tactic and use advantage of opening to win material from enemy. 
3. Endgame
In endgame, we usually aim to promoting pawn and use any advantage in middlegame to win the game.

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Moves which has been analyzed:
1.e4 (B00: King Pawn Opening)
1.e4 e5 (C20: King Pawn Game)
1.e4 c5 (B20: Sicilian Defense)
2.Nf3 (C40 King Knight Opening)
2 Nf3 Nc6 (C44: King Pawn Game, Nc6)
2.Nf3 Qh5 (C40: Greco Defense)
2.Qh5 (C20: Patzer Opening)
3.Bb5 (C60: Ruy Lopez)
3.Bc4 (C50: Italian Game)
3.Bc4 Bc5 (C50: Giuoco Piano)
4.c3 (C53: Giuoco Piano, c3)
4.c3 Nf6 (C54: Giuoco Piano, Nf6)
4.c3 Qe7 (C53: Giuoco Piano Close Variation)
5. 0-0 (Continuation from Giuoco Piano Close Variation)
5.0-0 d6 (Continuation from Giuoco Piano Close Variation)
6.d4 (Continuation from Giuoco Piano Close Variation)
6.d4 Bb5 (Continuation from Giuoco Piano Close Variation)
7.a4 (Continuation from Giuoco Piano Close Variation)
7.a4 a6 (Continuation from Giuoco Piano Close Variation) 
3.Bc4 d6 (C50: Paris Defense)

1.d4 (A40: Queen Pawn Opening)
1...d5 (D00: Double Queen Pawn Opening)
2.Nf3 (D02: Queen Pawn Opening, Zukertort Variation)
2…Nf6 (D02: Queen Pawn Opening, Symmetrical Variation)
3.e3 (D04: Colle System)